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- Are you confronted with inner obstacles that prevent you from living your life to the fullest?
- An inner sadness that is hidden somewhere deep inside you?
- A victim role, a selfcriticizing super-ego?
- Or other inner demons that whisper all kinds of negative thoughts or self-criticism that prevent you from doing the things you really want to do?

What is Feeding Your Demons?
This is a technique where you enter in a conversation with your inner monsters or demons, such as thoughts, emotions, an inner part of yourself whithin which you get stuck sometimes, your inner child, …. But it is also a dialogue with your inner wisdom.
We use visualisation in order to be able to look at our inner demons from a point of distance, and no longer fuse with them. We enter into a dialogue with them through chair work. By discovering and nurturing the underlying needs, you transform your demons into allies with the power they were initially inherently already carrying! That is why we speak of ‘feeding your demons’. In this way you can own your inherent strength again and you can live your life to the fullest.
As a certified FYD-facilitator I guide you through this proces.
The Feeding your Demons method has been scientifically studied, uses Western psychotherapeutic techniques and is inspired by ancient traditional Buddhist methods.